
07.13.2012 Hits: 643

Kuangda officially started ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification

At 18:00 p.m. on July 4, 2012, general manager Huang Deyu announced that Zhejiang Kuangda Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. officially started the ISO9001:2008 quality management system certification.

ISO9001 standard is a scientific summary of the practical experience of quality management in many developed countries in the world, which is universal and instructive. The implementation of ISO9001 standard can promote the improvement and perfection of the organization's quality management system, and play a good role in promoting international economic and trade activities, eliminating trade technical barriers and improving the management level of the organization. Generally speaking, it has the following functions and significance:

1、 The implementation of ISO9001 standard is helpful to improve the quality of products, protect the interests of consumers and improve the credibility of products

The establishment of quality management system according to ISO9001 standard, through the effective application of the system, promotes enterprises to continuously improve products and processes, and realizes the stability and improvement of product quality, which is undoubtedly the most effective protection for the interests of consumers, and also increases the credibility of consumers in purchasing qualified suppliers' products.

2、 Improve enterprise management ability

ISO9001 standard encourages enterprises to adopt the process method in the formulation and implementation of quality management system, through the identification and management of many interrelated activities, as well as the systematic management and continuous monitoring and control of these activities, so as to achieve products acceptable to customers. In addition, the quality management system provides a framework for continuous improvement to increase the satisfaction of customers (consumers) and other interested parties. Therefore, ISO9001 standard provides an effective way to effectively improve the management ability and enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.

3、 Effective in the continuous improvement of the enterprise and meet the needs and expectations of customers

Customers' needs and expectations are constantly changing, which urges enterprises to continuously improve their products and processes. The requirements of quality management system provide an effective way for enterprises to improve their products and processes.

4、 It is conducive to promoting international trade and eliminating technical barriers

In international economic and technological cooperation, ISO9001 standard is regarded as the mutually recognized technical foundation. ISO9001 quality management system certification system is recognized in international scope and included in the procedure of conformity assessment. WTO / TBT is one of a series of agreements reached by WTO, which involves technical regulations, standards and qualification evaluation procedures. The implementation of ISO9001 standard provides international common language and standard for international economic and technological cooperation; The certification of quality management system has become a powerful weapon for participating in domestic and international trade and enhancing competitiveness. Therefore, the implementation of ISO9001 standard has played a very positive role in eliminating technical barriers and trade barriers.

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